
TCP Endpoints can be created using the aptible endpoints:tcp:create command.


TCP Endpoints pass the TCP traffic they receive directly to your app.

Container Ports

When creating a TCP Endpoint, you can specify the container ports the Endpoint should listen on. If you don’t specify a port, Aptible will use all the ports exposed by your Image.

The TCP Endpoint will listen for traffic on the ports you expose and transfer that traffic to your app Containers on the same port.

For example, if you expose ports 123 and 456, the Endpoint will listen on those two ports. Traffic received by the Endpoint on port 123 will be sent to your app containers on port 123, and traffic received by the Endpoint on port 456 will be sent to your app containers on port 456.

You may expose at most 10 ports. Note that this means that if your image exposes more than 10 ports, you will need to specify which ones should be exposed to provision TCP Endpoints.

❗️ Unlike HTTP(S) Endpoints, TCP Endpoints currently do not provide Zero-Downtime Deployment. If you require Zero-Downtime Deployment for a TCP app, you’d need to architect it yourself, e.g. at the DNS level.