Log Drains
HTTPS Log Drains
Aptible can deliver your logs via HTTPS.
The logs are delivered via HTTPS POST, using a JSON Content-Type
The payload is structured as follows. New keys may be added over time, and logs from Ephemeral SSH Sessions include additional keys.
"@timestamp": "2017-01-11T11:11:11.111111111Z",
"log": "some log line from your app",
"stream": "stdout",
"time": "2017-01-11T11:11:11.111111111Z",
"@version": "1",
"type": "json",
"file": "/tmp/dockerlogs/containerId/containerId-json.log",
"host": "containerId",
"offset": "123",
"layer": "app",
"service": "app-web",
"app": "app",
"app_id": "456",
"source": "app",
"container": "containerId"
Specific Metadata
Both Ephemeral SSH Sessions and Endpoint Logs contain additional metadata; see the appropriate documentation for further details.
Get Started
Setting up a HTTP Log Drain on Aptible
Step-by-step instructions on setting up logging to an HTTP Log Drain on Aptible
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