
Aptible organizations represent an administrative domain consisting of users and resources.


Users represent individuals or robots with access to your organization. A user’s assigned roles determine their permissions and what they can access Aptible. Manage users in the Aptible dashboard by navigating to Settings > Members.

Managing Members


Use roles to define users’ access in your Aptible organization. Manage roles in the Aptible Dashboard by navigating to Settings > Roles.

Role Management

Types of Roles

Account Owners

The Account Owners Role is one of the built-in roles in your organization that grants the following:

  • admin access to all resources
  • access to billing information such as invoices, projections, plans, and contracts
  • the ability to invite users
  • the ability to manage all Roles
  • the ability to remove all users from the organization

Aptible Deploy Owners

The Deploy Owners Role is one of the built-in roles in your organization that grants the following:

  • admin access to all resources
  • the ability to invite users
  • the ability to manage the Aptible Deploy Owners Role and Custom Roles
  • the ability to remove users within Aptible Deploy Owners Role and/or Custom Roles from the organization

Custom Roles

Use custom roles to configure which Aptible environments a user can access and what permissions they have within those environments. Aptible provides many permission types so you can fine-tune user access.

Since roles define what environments users can access, we highly recommend using multiple environments and roles to ensure you are granting access based on the least-privilege principle.

Custom Role Admin

The Custom Role Admin role is an optional role that grants:

  • access to resources as defined by the permission types of their custom role
  • the ability to add new users to the custom roles of which they are role admins

Edit role admins

Custom Role Members

Custom Role Members have access to resources as defined by the permission types of their custom role.

Custom Role Permissions

Manage custom role permission types in the Aptible Dashboard by navigating to Settings > Roles. Select the respective role, navigate to Environments, and grant the desired permissions for the separate environments.

Edit permissions

Read Permissions

Assign one of the following permissions to give users read permission in a specific environment:

  • Basic Visibility: can read general information about all resources
  • Full Visibility (formerly Read): can read general information about all resources and app configurations

Write Permissions

To give users write permission to a given environment, you can assign the following permissions:

  • Environment Admin (formerly Write): can perform all actions listed below within the environment
  • Deployment: can create and deploy resources
  • Destruction: can destroy resources
  • Ops: can create and manage log and metric drains and restart and scale apps and databases
  • Sensitive Access: can view and manage sensitive values such as app configurations, database credentials, and endpoint certificates
  • Tunnel: can tunnel into databases but cannot view database credentials
Provide read-only database access by granting the Tunnel permission without the Sensitive Access permission. Use this to manage read-only database access within the database itself.

Full Permission Type Matrix

This matrix describes the required permission (header) for actions available for a given resource(left column).

Environment AdminFull VisibilityDeploymentDestructionOpsSensitive AccessTunnel
Manage Backup Retention Policy
AppsEnvironment AdminFull VisibilityDeploymentDestructionOpsSensitive AccessTunnel
Read Configuration
Create Endpoints
Deprovision Endpoints
Stream Logs
Scan Image
DatabasesEnvironment AdminFull VisibilityDeploymentDestructionOpsSensitive AccessTunnel
Read Credentials
Create Backups
Restore Backups
Delete Backups
Restart / Reload / Modify
Create Replicas
Create Endpoints
Deprovision Endpoints
Create Tunnels
Stream Logs
Log and Metric DrainsEnvironment AdminFull VisibilityDeploymentDestructionOpsSensitive AccessTunnel
SSL CertificatesEnvironment AdminFull VisibilityDeploymentDestructionOpsSensitive AccessTunnel